First thing I hear is that they are not going to have the AHRMA run the races this year. Then I read from a post of Old scrambler that said: " I too wish that the AHRMA and AMA could settle the dispute. Its something about a lawyer in NY and the predecessor group to AHRMA. Mark Medierski is the guy in charge of the AMA museum that runs this show. I am sure he will put on a good set of races. " Now I just received an email that reads as follows:
Hello Ray,
Annual AMA Museum Events Cancelled
We have been informed that the annual All Japanese Day at the AMA Hall of Fame Museum is cancelled for this year. They also cancelled their All British event.
There are several changes at the Museum. Mark Mederski who many of you know is no longer the Museum Director. I have been informed by Don Argento who is the publicist for the Museum that the Museum is concentrating on some other alternative areas of marketing.
There will be a Columbus “Family Day” on Saturday September 12 where admission to the Museum will be free. They are encouraging club participation, so depending on your individual interest in supporting the VJMC at this event, we may choose to participate in this new event. If you would be interested in helping us display at this event, please let me know. More information regarding our possible participation at this event will be forthcoming.
On a more positive note, our first Annual ASK VJMC classic show last Saturday in Grove City was a huge success. We had 37 Beautiful display bikes on a day that was predicted to be total thundershowers all day. The public participation was strong, and I am certain that we would have had probably at least 50 bikes displayed if the predicted weather forecast had been for sun.
Thanks to all members who attended and helped with the event. Sandi Ackers of ASK has indicated her interest in sponsoring the event next year as well. We would like to expand the show and make it even better. Possibly we might open it up to a limited number of VJMC vendors for a SWAP meet
We are open to ideas. Please forward them to
Thanks Again,
David Hellard
Central Ohio VJMC Field Representative
WHAT THE F#CK IS GOING ON......Is the AMA in a meltdown phase? I think that all the bike alphabet groups and AMA members need to put some pressure to change what is happening and where the organization is going (? maybe down the drain?) I don't have all the details and not privy to all the insider info, but as a member, I am highly disappointed in what is happening right now.