The plugs won't cause your issue, unless they are not firing. Either the DR7EA or D7EA will work OK, unless you find the engine is overheating and then you might want to go for a colder plug. In fact in the Canadian models they recommend a DRESL ( the L is a half of a heat range colder - plugs gets ride of the heat faster). Trim the ends of the plug wires ( 1/4" ) & reinstall them in the plug boots.
If you have a timing light & a good fan, start the bike & check firing at all plug wires to see if you can see if you are getting good spark.
The D7EA is actually for a cold climate and in my owners manual they recommend the D8EA for the 78 CB750F model in the US.
If the valves are adjusted properly, timing is OK & on, then sync the carbs. That could be part of your problem as when you are syncing the carbs you are actually moving the slide up or down to affect the air/fuel mixture. Also make sure the pilot screws are at their stock setting & you are running the stock air box. If you got some mods on carbs ( ie: pods ) then you may have to dig further.
Remember that any adjustment of one part of the carbs circuits will affect the rest. They all work together.