I picked up a non-op 1971 honda c70 today, titled, for $100. I put a carb kit in it, and it's running, although terribly. It only runs with choke on all the way. I don't know what to set anything to, because I've never done scooter work and don't have a manual. There are a number of screws to turn in and out and I put in a new needle, etc.
So, here it is, it runs, but I have to jump on it going down hill and drop it into gear, then most of the time it will start. It winds up really high, and will only run with full choke and if I back it off to half choke or less it dies. If I give it gas, it dies. I have the needle set to setting three out of six. I don't know how far to open any of the screws or how many of them should be opened at all. It pukes out lots of white smoke. I put new gas into it. I have not checked compression, as I do not know what it should be. I do not know what the valve clearances currently, nor do I know what they are supposed to be. I pulled the spark plug a couple of times and it came out real gassy. Well, covered in dark gas. The spark plug is a C7HSA. I do not have a manual nor know an online resource for manuals for this machine.
Help, please! I know someone out there has this info. Thanks, Brady.