So, I thought I would have a bunch of responses saying 'Yeah, my bike has a vibration ' node' at ( fill in the blank ) rpm......not evident so far, which got me to 'cogitating' about all the tuning I've done on my bike. Basically a full tune-up twice. However I have had an intermittent carb overflow problem for some time and got to investigate yesterday. I took the #1 carb apart ( the one overflowing ) to try polishing the needle valve into its seat as the seat is removable ( K1 7A carbs ). On the bench I rigged a short piece of tubing in the drill which contacted the valve sitting in it's seat and spun it for. and rev. with the drill for a few seconds and with toothpaste ( ! ) as a polish...saw it in tricks/tips.! Worked a treat!
Anyway , on putting the carb back together I happened to shake the floats....yep, gas in 1 float...dang..I can't believe it....O.K., so float will sink carb level too high, #1 way too rich...vibe prob ??, one cyl. running with different 'parameters' = vibration. The answer is YES...did away with the prob. when swapped-out a spare float. You never know with these old bikes......!