I would have to say riding it away from the loading dock was the frosting on the cake!
I dug out the Yoshima pipe today for a couple of quick snap shots... Speaking of snap shots the "better" camera should be here in the not to distant future. Now that the bike is done...LOL.
Anyway, you can see how abriviated the Y-pipe is. Short as can be and still be effective. The collector is completely under the engine. The muffler (if you can call it that) takes care of bringing the exhaust out from under the bike and directly into your ear. TONS of cornering clearance compared to the stock pipe.
Mine is not perfect by any means. On of the pipes has a dime sized hole in it. But I have a fabricating whiz of a friend who I hope I can convince to do the repair. Other than that it just needs to be blasted and coated.
I know it will be too loud but I cannot wait to hear it. It is the "inspiration piece" for my next 400 build.
It may not look that short in the pictures but the pipe ends right behind the heel of your right foot.

Not super pretty but very functional.