Thanks all for the comments and suggestions. As for not telling the whole story, as far as I know I have done nothing to provoke this. I have never vandalized anyones property, I have not stolen anything from anyone, I haven't had even a serious argument or conflict with anyone for quite some time... we're talking months here. I was not able to drive the bike back today, as its still in my garage awaiting a more through inspection. I know the front brakes are going to need bleeding, as there is very little function from them and I'm assuming that they got some air in them after sitting at that angle.
I'm thinking of ways that I can maybe keep an eye on it all the time. I won't really have time to sit somewhere and watch after it until next week. too much homework

I suppose I could try to put together some sort of security camera system, or an alarm on the bike as someone stated. Unfortunately the university has very few surveillance cameras. It is Iowa after all, not really a crime hotspot. Just to clarify this is the same parking lot as before, but a different motorcycle spot. So I don't really think someone is actively hunting my bike down, especially since this is where I usually park it. The real kicker is that the police division is housed in the building that I park outside of

I dont know if I mentioned this before, but a friend's car was also run through last night. Nothing stolen, just stuff moved around. This was in the same parking lot, maybe 500 feet away from my bike?
I'm tempted by these baseball bat, and 12 gauge ideas, but the whole being arrested thing is quite a turn off