Author Topic: Bracing forks at the axle  (Read 630 times)

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Offline camelman

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Bracing forks at the axle
« on: September 29, 2009, 09:11:33 PM »
Okay, just looking to see if anyone has done anything like this.

I purchased a CB350F for a city bike in San Francisco.  After riding a 400F around for a while, I realized the front suspension blows.  I'm going to buy progressive springs and improved modulators from a company in SoCal, but I was thinking about stiffening up the forks at the axle.  My plan goes like this:
1) Machine new triple trees with ~5mm extra spacing between fork centers (i know, expensive, but what the hell)
2) machine new axle with 2.5mm thick flanges at the widest diameter that will still contact the fork legs on INSIDE of fork locations
3) Machine flats on outside of forks
4) Drill and tap holes on both ends of axle
5) mount entire assembly up with large shoulder bolts fastening the lower fork legs to the axle to provide a clamping force to brace the axle

The parts are represented as this (excuse the silly use of text):

axle:       -l---------l-
bolt:       l-              -l
fork:      llll

The assembly will look roughly like this:

   llll             llll
   llll             llll
   llll             llll
   llll             llll

The goal here is to clamp the fork legs securely to the axle so that they cannot rotate or slide around under load.  Fox shocks recently did an iteration of this on their mountain bike set-ups that provided larger clamping surfaces for the fork legs and the difference was AMAZING.  Heck, the larger clamping area model provided a more stable system than the smaller clamping area did with the addition of a fork brace.  Since these motorcycles don't have any lateral clamping force to begin with, I figure it might be beneficial.  Any thoughts are appreciated.


1972 350f rider: sold
1972 350f/466f cafe: for sale
1977 CB400f cafe:sold
1975 CB400f rider: sold
1970 CB750 K0 complete bike: sold
2005 Triumph Sprint ST 1050 rider

We've got to cut it off... and then come down on rockets.  (quoted from: seven minutes of terror)