Regarding valves, I believe that Kiblewhite will do one offs if what you need is not available in their catalog,
754, assuming your comment was addressed to me, then its not about being paranoid or not trusting people like Jay or Mrieck,
the issue here is that I am self tuning, have very limited time, money or spare parts (actually have no spares at all, have done three race seasons with a single motor) so I weight very carefully any improvement in terms of benefit vs. cost and also logisitcs. Can only send my one and only cyl head to be worked on during the winter break in racing and I have to be sure that when I'll assemble the engine everything will fit.
That's why it's very tempting for me to stay with stock parts unless someone can put hard HP numbers on the benefit of a 1.5mm larger valve and seat throat.
I recently spent 400$ on a set of used CR29's based on the fact (?) that they should give 4-5 hp over my 27mm VM's. Will those 300$ worth of work on the seats + 200$ or whatever for oversize valves yeld a similar gain?
Wish I had the dosh to try tons of stuff like that but i have to play it safe. So far it payed of, I started with 55hp three years ago and was up to 61hp last year, didnt have yet the chance to check what my 500/4 is doing now with the CR29's but since I shaved off two seconds per lap in last race, I'd say they were a worthy investment. I am third going into the last round in the championship against serious riders that have their bikes built for them by pro tuners, so I'd say that my cautions approach has paid off. If your hot rod motor breaks while cruising boulevards or in the canyons near home it's one thing. If your tuned motor breaks a valve seat in a race that you drove 600 miles to, payed inscription to, hotels, gas, etc. it can really hurt.
So then, can anyone quantify how much power you'd get from +1.5mm oversize valves?