Author Topic: #1 smoking  (Read 1056 times)

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Offline 74cb750

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#1 smoking
« on: October 16, 2009, 07:58:41 AM »
Hi all,
first off, Where can I find a compression tester to fit the 76 cb550? Autozone, local Napa etc stores don't have connectors to fit the small sparkplugs OR they are not flexible enough to fit cyclinder # 2 -3.

#1 started smoking, all the time. Don't seem to have lost any compression/acceleration, so I'm thinking maybe it's the valve seals. THEN I noticed I have oil dribbling out between the head and valve gasket.
SO, I know I'll have to replace the gasket. Groannnnn....

but I'd really like to test the compression before the snow flies.
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Offline BVCB650

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Re: #1 smoking
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2009, 08:09:14 AM »
Usually, continuous smoking is a ring problem. Valve guides usually smoke on start-up but soon stops. I would suggest you take #1 plug out, and read it to determine if it is oil related or running rich.
1979 CB650, 25K miles, recently refurbished