The two tubes not connected to the petcock are probably the breather tubes, they should be routed down past the swingarm like the overflow tubes.
When you say you tried the kick and nothing, and tried the start and it sounds like it's trying, is it turning over? I'm just trying to make sure it's turning over, and not seized up (seriously hoping that's not it.)
If fuel is coming out the bottom of the carbs, thats an issue and "flooding it" isn't the case. You may have stuck float valves that are allowing fuel to enter the carb bowls even though they are already full. Is the fuel coming out of all four carbs, and where exactly is it comeing out of (the overflow tubes, the part where the bowls meet the carb bodies?)
I know it's been pointed out already, but pics really can be a big help with these bikes. Don't give up, we've all been here, and can all tell you will absolute honesty that there is no better feeling that working out the kinks and the thrill of hearing it fire the first time