Went on a day trip Saturday, with a small repair day today.
About 15 min. into the ride, the bike decides to die. Pulled over, and did the basic checks. Battery good. Carbs were dry. Switched over to reserve (even though plenty of fuel in tank), and rode the rest of the day with no problems.
Figured there was an obstruction in the 'on' port of the petcock, since it ran fine rest of day on reserve.
So.. today pulled tank, cleaned petcock, new fuel line, new small inline filter, pulled and cleaned the 'in tank' strainer. It all wasn't as dirty as I was expecting, so i guess that's good.
Checked and gapped plugs. All were looking great. Nice brown color.
Yesterdays ride was on the Loess Hills Scenic byway south of Council Bluffs Iowa, and down south to MO state line. Got 56.69 MPG. Not bad for a '82 Cb650 with passenger and a loaded sissy bar pack.