I thought I'd already posed a build thread on here, but I didn't. So here it is.
About a 2 years ago, a friend bought a CB400F. He got a really good deal on it, plus he got two parts bikes. He didn't need them, nor did he have anywhere to store them, so he gave them both to me, with one title. There were two complete engines. One in a kind of rolling frame, and one in a half rolling frame.
So that and a small box of parts is all I got.
I don't know what the previous owner was going to do with them, because the one that looks most gutted, was the one with a title, the one with a less thrashed engine, and the one with a
straight frame. Only problem is that the side stand was broken off, and took a chunk of tube with it. I'll have to cut the side stand and some tube off the bent frame to weld in.
So engine first. Took the top ends off to get them out of the frame. I don't know how easy it is to get them out of the frame with the top end assembled, but disassembly sure makes it easy.
Bagged and tagged everything. Large items were wrapped in news paper and everything was stored in a big plastic tote. I spent last winter polishing side case parts, but not a whole lot more. I moved into a new place earlier this year that has a decent work space, so I started work on case. I stripped and cleaned the case and oil pan, and painted all the bits to paint, cleaned the cylinders and head as best I could. They look pretty good, but I have no pics.
I misread the torque specs on the M6 bolts on the case and broke one and stretched the others, so I have an order in at my local shop. They should be in Monday, then I can seal and bolt the case halves together.
Today was visualization day. I went to my dad's shop, where the frame is, and set it up so I could stare at it. I spent most of the day trying to figure out what I was going to do with the battery box, air filter, etc. When I stuck the seat on the frame, I realized how much bigger the 400F tank is than the CL350 tank that I stuck on there. I guess I need a tank...
Spent the rest of the day trying to learn to MIG weld. I think I like TIG better.