Author Topic: Busted 74 Tach- anyone willing to sell a replacement? doesnt have to be pretty.  (Read 776 times)

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Offline Deceptibong

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So I was going through the steps of removing the cover, needle, and face of both my tach and speedo. (gauges are from a 1974 CB750) The goal was to put a new face over the old face and revitalize this old set.  Ive removed about 3 other needles in my past and up until this point, never had any trouble.  This set, however, was a little more rusted underneath than I realized.  While using the old fork method of prying up the needle, the needle stayed on the main shaft (due to rust in an inconvenient spot) and the shaft came out along with the needle! gah!  so as it stands, the speedo is fine but the tach is another story.  Ill need a new mechanism inside the tach and the face was also cracked in the process. 

Any advice on something that could be done?  Anyone have an old Tach from a 74?  it doesnt have to be perfect on the outside.  I have all the outer parts ill need.  All ill need to salvage is the tach mechanism and the face.

whatcha think??

1972 CB750k2

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Offline bikerbart

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I think I have an extra one,I will check when I get home from work
its better to regret something you have done,than something you havent.Except playing with explosives.

Offline Deceptibong

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great! either PM me or ill continue to check the thread!
1972 CB750k2

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Offline NickC

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I did the same thing last night  :'(