Thanks guys
Yes they are a great bike to ride they feel very factory. Everytime I offer anyone to ride them they are usually quite hesitant, but after talked into it they all say wonderfull things. Yes they are a bit heavier than any dirt bike Iv'e ever seen and you do have to break a little earlier. I have taken them for long rides on logging roads and mountain rides for hours and we won first place two years in a row in the season series drags in the vintage class. They are both 812cc. I also have made up a big long swing arm for the nasty big paddle tire for the hillclimbs. You can ride them anytime you want. all you have to do is get here. E me direct at for any info/pix. Some of you may be interested in the bikes we race against.
Jay Allen (AKA Captain Voltage Biker Drummer Dude)
Duncan BC