Author Topic: Resealing a badly sealed tank  (Read 594 times)

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Resealing a badly sealed tank
« on: December 15, 2009, 02:36:04 PM »
I have a rusty tank that was "sealed" by PO. Can I go through the normal POR15 process (Marine clean, POR15, then sealant) or do I need to do something special to get all this cracked and pealing sealant out?
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Offline greenjeans

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Re: Resealing a badly sealed tank
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2009, 05:04:44 AM »
I'd get the old liner out.   I had to do the same to mine and it was a pain in the arse.
What worked best for me was some aircraft paint stripper.  ** Make VERY SURE that the tank is vented if you use the stripper - it WILL build pressure if not vented.
After the aircraft stripper, I used an old bicycle chain and shook the crap out of it over and over.    I then used some "The Works" toilet bowl cleaner to get rid of the rust.  After all
that, I found that I didn't even need to re-line it.

Long story short, the better shape that the inside of the tank is before you coat it, the better chance the liner will work.
Yep, I'm the kid that figured out how to put things back together...eventually.