I've got a "Roadmaster" chrome script emblem from the OLD Indians.
(New, Never Mounted)
a Pair of "Satellite Sebring Plus" emblems (don't remember where I got them OR
1 "LeBaron" emblem from an old Chrysler Imperial
a "383 fender emblem from a 66' Dodge Charger
4 barrel"
a set of "D" "O" "D" "G" "E" letters from the hood of an old 66' Charger (they are
individual letters)
Some "Suzuki" emblems off of an old 70's TS125 & 185
All I can think of right off. No pictures though.

Now. I DO have some NEW "GTX" emblems for the side of the GTX AND a new set
of "440" hood emblems for the hood, but those are going ON the GTX, those don't
count, right?