Thank you for THAT, Mick. I keep trying to get on with things, even though I have moments that really set me back. I felt like I was doing pretty well, for the most part. Then, out of the blue (yesterday evening), my Asthma gives me a jolt! It really is an experience, not being able to get enough air into your lungs. At times, it can be downright scary. Ever since I lost Brenda, in the back of my mind, I wonder who I can get to be there for my Dad, IF something happened to me? You see, I was getting ready to have Brenda added to the Power of Attorney and such, for my Dad. Basically, I have NO Family, except my Dad and my Daughter. So, with THAT on my mind last night, I am really concerned about making sure that my Dad is taken care of, if need be. Losing Brenda, has made me realize that you almost need a backup plan FOR the BACKUP PLAN!

My Daughter Karla, is taken care of. My Sister-In-Law (and family)
will be taking care of Karla, IF something happens to me. That has been set up for quite awhile, by Brenda and Joan (Brenda's Sister). I have thought about talking to Joan about my Dad, but it WOULD be better if it were someone in the our family, but there is no one except David and THAT sure wouldn't work!

Anyway, even though I've got alot on my mind and to take care of, I AM still trying to get on with MY life, such as it is.
Also, I HAVE gotten some relief for the Asthma and it is much easier to function, when you can breathe.
Take care Mick, and thanks again, Bill