My folks bought me a new 67 CL160 age 14 as I recall it cost $620.00
The CL77 300 was exactly $100.00 higher my father said later biggest mistake he had made in a long time not getting the 300 for the difference in price.
Long time friend of mine the one I bought my CL77 from in the early eighties, he has believe its a 65 model 305 superhawk.
I noticed in another thred you were condidering painting your superhawk
engine black, what you have there are not a lot of them out there running around, have you considered painting the engine black just makes it look like any other common day modern bike. how about what they did in the sixties to them just some chrome tappit covers, a little chrome other places on the engine. Just a thought if you like the black if nothing else its only paint can be taken back off.