i got it from a local guy who makes these for newer bikes (cbr's zx's ect...) so i was talking to him and he liked the Kerker setup i had and offered to make a prototype for mine... (clasic bike.... his first) and so he made one in 2.5in for the kerker header...
he uses some kind of 4 port air intake on the front side of the "can" and then uses that air to coool the inner pipe by doing that it "forces" the HOT exhaust gas faster out of the pipe... there is 2 little straw things that the "outter air" exits at.... its fairly sofisticated...
bottom line... the outside carbon fiber outter stays cold to the touch so if you ever have a passenger they wont melt thier shoe's or burn thier leg on the muffler...
he only charged me $200 and he custom fit it for my bike i will post pics of the inside and the intake ports its actually very k0ol!