The plans were in my head other than a rough sketch sorry. I used a 7'x3'x3/4" piece of plywood, 4x4's and 2x4's. I trimmed the 2x4's to 3" wide and the 4x4's 3" square to make them look more like dimensional lumber rather than mass produced which has ugly rounded corners. I cut the now 3x3's to 24" in length and set them on the plywood and measured between them to get the length for the now 2x3's and added 1" on each end of them for a tenon. I laid out the mortises on the 3x3's so the 2x3's would be flush with the outside and top edges of the 3x3's, the lower 2x3's are flush with the outside edge and 4" from the floor, the two center cross pieces are centered on the inside face of the 3x3's. I then cut the tenons, bored the mortises and glued and screwed everything together. I added the (I) shaped center bracing after the main leg frame was put together as it was an unknown measurement until that time. Except no glue on the plywood which I screwed down about every 8" so it can be replaced as needed. As I was building I adjusted for minor mistakes like setting the saw without including the blade thickness for a tenon or two LOL. The whole thing took a couple of days to build. Ply was about 30.00 4x4's were about 8.00 ea. 2x4's were about 2.00 ea. 1 box of 1"1/2 screws 1 box of 2" screws, 1 bottle of wood glue a table saw, a miter saw, a chisel mortise machine, a drill and a bunch of clamps. I think that about covers it. It's my blessing/curse in life to be able to picture wood projects in my minds eye and just build them, I really wish it would carry over into mechanical things! How's that for a rambling dissertation from a self proclaimed wood nut! LOL, oh and I made the tenons 1" long but the mortises 1 1/8" deep to accommodate the glue without splitting the 3x3's.