It's name is "Titan". They were my roadracing nemesis: if they showed up on the Production Racing tracks of my day, I knew I wasn't going to be ahead of them in that race. They weigh about 385 lbs. and put 50 HP on the ground. They're a riot to ride, very torquey and the vibration isn't bad for a 2-stroke.
Just get the crankcase cleaned out (pull the little valves out of the bottom if you must, to get it cleaned out) of the old gas & oil crud, and if the crankshaft seals are good and the carbs cleaned, it will probably run. It will smoke like a crop dusting airplane at first. Make sure you keep the oil tank full of "2-stroke injection oil" type lube.
You should be able to buy it for around $300. New in 1970-76 they were $895 when the CB750 was $1795. Lots of folks toured with them, on open (non-fairing'd) bikes: the fairings would pull the oil smoke up around the rider - kinda nasty. They are illegal to ride in many cities today where 2-strokes are banned: L.A. is one, Chicago another, I think Phoenix, too. I don't know how well the laws are enforced today, but in the late 1970s it was a big deal.
Neat little bikes! I think they use B7E sparkplugs: you're gonna need a few. My Ignition is running on half a dozen Titans today!