Author Topic: antique motorcycle titling?  (Read 6174 times)

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Offline westondc

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antique motorcycle titling?
« on: February 23, 2010, 09:30:58 AM »
So i found a bike that i really want, ok a few bikes. they are titleless. in Nebraska you can not register a motorcycle without a title. so if you don't have one your S.O.L. with nothing but a parts bike sitting around. I'm looking for a relatively legal way to get around this.
According to the Kansas Dept. of Revenue: Any vehicle, including an antique military vehicle, thirty-five (35) years old or older, propelled by a motor using petroleum fuel, steam or electricity or any combination thereof is considered an antique vehicle. Take the assigned title or bill of sale, the inspection receipt (pink copy of the MVE-1) if applicable, and proof of insurance, if also applying for registration, to your local county treasurer’s motor vehicle office to make application for an antique title and registration. If the vehicle is not roadworthy at the time of application, the owner may apply for an antique title only. Once the vehicle is restored/made roadworthy, return to the treasurer’s office and apply for antique registration only.

So can someone title a vehicle in a state outside of there own? I'm going to check with my county treasurers office in Nebraska to see if they will except an antique title when applying for registration. if this process would work that would be awesome. but I'm guessing its not going to be that easy.
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Offline bill440cars

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Re: antique motorcycle titling?
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2010, 02:05:30 PM »

     I don't know all the "ins" & "outs" but, in Arkansas, it's 25yrs  to make it an Antique. Good luck with your venture. ;)   
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Offline myhondas

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Re: antique motorcycle titling?
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2010, 02:09:39 PM »
I used International Title to do mine. Cost $125 and they got me a maine registration. With a bill of sale copy and that, I was able to get a title for it. Then I got historical plates. Worth it as it has added about $500 to the value of the bike.
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Offline westondc

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Re: antique motorcycle titling?
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2010, 03:16:59 PM »
I used International Title to do mine. Cost $125 and they got me a maine registration. With a bill of sale copy and that, I was able to get a title for it. Then I got historical plates. Worth it as it has added about $500 to the value of the bike.

$125 isn't bad at all but i think they may have up'ed the price. i think ITS was charging $250 now according to their website. Even that seems reasonable considering these no title bikes are going for so cheap. international titling would also save me some time and headaches. still want to look into the other option of antique titling in another state and registering the bike in my state, just to see if this route is possible.
B.O.X.N.I.F.E. Hospital fund
Rider no. 115 on the 2012 SOHC/4 Honda World Tour
Rider no. 274 on the 2011 SOHC/4 Honda World Tour
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just be a vagabond, living out of a backpack on a little Honda, cruisin all over the damn place....
"As your attorney, I advise you to buy a motorcycle. How else can we cover a thing like this righteously?"

Offline Stev-o

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Re: antique motorcycle titling?
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2010, 06:47:29 PM »

So can someone title a vehicle in a state outside of there own?

I highly doubt this. Normally, the titles are mailed to you, what would you use as your Kansas address?

If you knew someone there you may be able to pull it off.

Good Luck
'74 "Big Bang" Honda 750K [836].....'76 Honda 550F.....K3 Park Racer!......and a Bomber! plus plus.........

Offline Freaky1

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Re: antique motorcycle titling?
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2010, 01:03:30 PM »
My nephew lives in Omaha and he says it's fairly easy to get a title for a bike without one. He said you need to have a state inspection done and a check on the VIN, then take that paperwork to the DMV and they will issue you a title. I know it is a massive pain here in Colorado and have had more than enough people tell me it's not worth it to do it here that I'm not even going to try. I don't know if my nephew knows what he is talking about but if it is so easy there, I might just do it and get a title to his address and then transfew it out here. Keep up the posts here because I'd like to know if you have any secsess and how hard it is.
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Re: antique motorcycle titling?
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2010, 09:29:20 PM »
I have four bikes with "decorated" titles.   Someone filled the back in and didn't go to the DMV to  have it retitled.   One of them has an incorrect VIN number - i.e. it doesn't match the one on the bike and it never was correct for any Yamaha of the early RD era. 

As soon as this round of procrastination passes I'll be trying an outfit I discovered via Google (shudder) that seems above board.   The claim is for the transaction to cost around $100 to get a title & bill of sale to you.   I'll get back if & when I get off my duff and do this. 

Linky:  Consolidated Auto Services

I've been in touch with someone from there and she's been most helpful and patient.   

Offline eshumaker

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Re: antique motorcycle titling?
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2010, 10:56:02 PM »
I have four bikes with "decorated" titles.   Someone filled the back in and didn't go to the DMV to  have it retitled.   One of them has an incorrect VIN number - i.e. it doesn't match the one on the bike and it never was correct for any Yamaha of the early RD era. 

As soon as this round of procrastination passes I'll be trying an outfit I discovered via Google (shudder) that seems above board.   The claim is for the transaction to cost around $100 to get a title & bill of sale to you.   I'll get back if & when I get off my duff and do this. 

Linky:  Consolidated Auto Services

I've been in touch with someone from there and she's been most helpful and patient.   

In your conversations with this company, did they intimate that you had to live in Indiana? Thanks!
1976 CB750 (basket case in progress)
1979 GL1000 Goldwing (runner)
1983 CB750 Nighthawk (basket case)
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Re: antique motorcycle titling?
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2010, 11:07:54 PM »
I have four bikes with "decorated" titles.   Someone filled the back in and didn't go to the DMV to  have it retitled.   One of them has an incorrect VIN number - i.e. it doesn't match the one on the bike and it never was correct for any Yamaha of the early RD era. 

As soon as this round of procrastination passes I'll be trying an outfit I discovered via Google (shudder) that seems above board.   The claim is for the transaction to cost around $100 to get a title & bill of sale to you.   I'll get back if & when I get off my duff and do this. 

Linky:  Consolidated Auto Services

I've been in touch with someone from there and she's been most helpful and patient.   

In your conversations with this company, did they intimate that you had to live in Indiana? Thanks!

Nope, I informed her early on that I am a Maryland resident.   She sent me some documents that I had to have a qualified individual fill out.  I know a few state troopers and had one of them sign off on the VIN numbers etc.  I also have to have a Notary Public verify some of the paperwork.  I'm married to one of them.  So the effort has been minimal so far.  I'll let you know how things turn out.  I'll be doing things two at a time.  I'll give 'em the two that are least important to me first.  One of those is the one that has the wrong VIN on the title.  That will probably cost a bit extra, but I've already received a letter from Yamaha Corp of America (or whatever it is) stating the VIN on the title isn't consistent with any VIN they had of the time (or ever for that matter).

Offline jamesb

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Re: antique motorcycle titling?
« Reply #9 on: August 09, 2010, 09:49:04 PM »
here in Kansas to get a title for a vehicle. (if you do not have one) the vehicle has to be at least 35yrs or older. it will need to be inspected by the proper authorities (highway patrol). all they do is run the vin plate and make sure there is nothing funky with it. it is however illegal to sell a vehicle with out a title here. a law that is not enforced. if the vehicle is not antique you will never get a title for it here. the only way you can get one for newer vehicles is if it was bought at auction or storage then the seller will give you the proper paper work that was filled out by a lawyer or sate official. people are always mislead and was given bad information, and they get stuck with a vehicle they can't do anything with it. i deal with cars and motorcycles all the time and all it takes is to go to your local dmv and get the facts. i have people tell me all the time "well my cousins girlfriends aunts husbands best friends neighbor said all you have to do is blah blah blah!!" i have  5 vehicles that have antique tags on them 3 of them never had is fairly simple to get a title here for antique vehicles but i have been told that they are going classic registration next year meaning the that the vehicle has to be 100% stock. so if your 57 chevy has a blown 454 in it it will be titled as a 2011 1957 chevy so you will have to pay taxes on a 2011 special constuction vehicle. as of now antique cars are $17.00 per year and motorcycles are $12.00 per year. so if you know anybody in kansas they could help you out. i'm located in topeka so i'm a little ways away but if i can help you in anyway feel free to email. i hope this helps
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Re: antique motorcycle titling?
« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2010, 10:07:24 PM »
here in Kansas to get a title for a vehicle. (if you do not have one) the vehicle has to be at least 35yrs or older. it will need to be inspected by the proper authorities (highway patrol). all they do is run the vin plate and make sure there is nothing funky with it.

Have you ever titled a vehicle in this fashion and then sold it to an out of state buyer? 

Another potential question is would the the DMV accept an out of state trooper's declarations on forms for an untitled out of state vehicle of the required vintage? 

You could "purchase" out of state vehicles from 1975 back and then sell them back at a profit for your troubles to the owner that NEEDs a title in another state provided the title you acquire in your state is acceptable to the recipient's state.  IYSWIM.   

This is not at all unlike what I'm hoping to get done with the company I mentioned above.  Missus Bwana will notorize my documents on the two bikes (a pair of mid 70s RD250s) I am worried the least about losing the titles to if this goes south at any time and I can't get the paperwork returned - they can always be parted out on eBay.  If it succeeds I'm sending them titles from  a '78 750K and a '72 R5 to get sorted.

Gotta FleaBay account?  You could start a nationwide business provided you're willing to learn which states you can't help folks in.