Thanks for that Alan, I should have known that the Hemi in a Neon, had been done.

What WAS I thinking?

Listen guys, if I come off offensive in any way, on this matter, it's just that I'm just nervous because of the time lapse (seems like centuries), since I've been in this position. And the Lady I am hoping to completely win over, is a REALLY special Lady, with whom my initial intentions are to just get to know her better (already know her some, as it is) and just let nature take it's course. AND, if it goes far enough for us to get married, I'll be sending off Skyrockets that can be seen as far away as the Canada, U.K., Australia, Neatherlands and everywhere else ANY of you are located.
When I suddenly became a single man again, I figured that I would just pick myself up and get back to taking care of business (my Daughter Karla, my Dad and Joey, the young man I work with). I hated to have lost Brenda, but I figured that I would devote my time to what was left and go on. Well, it didn't take long to realize that I STILL needed a Companion in my life. Sometimes Life can be so confusing and hard to see what you need to do. I think I'm at the point that I can move on and I am concerned about drifting back to being so emotional about what happened. There have been times, in the last few months, that I have had to battle myself to be able to move on and stop looking back. I knew full well what had happened and that things were NEVER going to be the same again. But yet, it seemed like my mind was thinking differently and if I let somethings go, like some of the bills that she used to take care of, She would come back and get things back in order. I never really got into this on here because I didn't want to seem like a total nut case. But now, I feel like I am on my way to getting things back in order and, if things work out with Audry. I am definitely going to be One Happy Camper! And, IF things don't go as far as I would like, I feel I am at (or close to) the point where I can handle that too!
I want to thankl ALL of you for your patience AND support.