I know who made that quote, and I agree with him entirely. The trouble is, you've either not understood what he was talking about, or you've deliberately taken the quote out of context to make your point.
The point that he raised, was that he cringed when he saw "enthusiasts" wreck a perfectly good bike that had survived in one, mostly original piece for 30+ years, just so that they could make another half arsed, half finished matt black POS, when they could have just started with a junker in the first place, in which case he happily applauded their efforts at building a "custom" bike, while saving another SOHC4 from the junk pile.
The trouble that I see here is that some of our younger members (and definitely not
all younger members either, there are some pretty smart kids here) don't understand the adoration that us older farts have for these particular bikes, because the young guys just weren't around when these incredible bikes took the motorcycling world by storm, and turned it upside down. It's a bit like that saying, "If you remember the 1970's, then you weren't there".
For them it's just another old bike that they've picked up cheap, they've got the standard "I bought it, so I can fcuk it up if I want to" attitude, they've just watched a couple of episodes of "Biker Buildoff", so armed with a hacksaw, a set of Harbor Freight spanners and a can of BBQ paint, they've decided that they're now "fabricators".......... (God I hate that word...............) and attack the poor helpless bike with vigour, until they decide that they'd really rather have a later, more reliable model bike like a 'Blade or a Gixxer, and the poor mangled remains of this once glorious bike ends up on EBay as yet another "Unfinished Project".
In the same thread that you borrowed that quote from you'll see a post from a younger member who spoke to the guy you've quoted about buying one of his nice original bikes, but as soon as the youngster explained that he wanted to modify it, the old fart stopped him straight away, and explained that he better look elsewhere, because would never sell someone a perfectly good original bike so they could chop it up.
The younger member, to his credit, understood his reasoning and respected his decision, and while the old fart could probably have used the money, his own personal morals just wouldn't allow him to do it. That's not elitism mate, that's integrity. Cheers, Terry.