Hush- those are my grey/clay colored Vibram Fivefinger shoes.
Terry- You're confusing me! The guys who love their "utilikilts" over here get all upset seeing a woman wearing and enjoying one (even though they look SO much sexier than regular skirts- and have POCKETS!) and they'll complain that I'm wearing their "boy clothes" but then in theory they're cross dressing and wearing my "girl clothes" instead? Are utilikilts for boys or girls, for real? 
Sorry Kit, not trying to confuse you, what I'm saying is that unless you're a Scottish man (or woman from any country) kilts are out. If you, being a woman, want to wear a kilt, that's cool, whether it be a utilikilt (which I'd never heard of before I read this thread) or anything else that doesn't have legs.
For a bloke however, (who's not Scottish, or Samoan, or from any other country that doesn't wear pants) to want to wear that gear, you're one step away from wearing lipstick and mascara, and singing Judy Garland songs. (not that there's anything wrong with that)