Author Topic: Center carbs overflowing, outer carbs getting no fuel.... er what the he#$!?  (Read 838 times)

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Offline manjisann

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I've got some 73 750 carbs that I'm trying to sort out. For some reason the outer two carbs 1-4 are bone dry, but the middle 2 2-3 are over flowing. I've taken the fuel valves out several times and cleaned everything up. I've adjusted the float heights to 26mm +/- .5mm and I even pulled the carbs off the backer plate and checked to ensure that the tubes connecting them all were cleared out. So here is my sort of question, if 2-3 float valves don't seal off, will 1-4 never get gas? The seats look brand new, I got these carbs off Soos who was using them and I'm fairly sure he said he'd rebuilt them, so I'm doubting corrosion. Any other suggestions?

Thanks all,

Sure it's for sale! How much you ask?? Well, how much are you willing to pay??? Now triple it, that's the price!

1973 CB500 K2 - Sold the bike and bought a Mig, Miss the bike, Love the Mig :D
1980 CB650 Custom
1971 CB500 Frame 650 engine: Project

Trip and General Ramblings blog:

Offline n9viw

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  • Floyd, '76 CB550k
Not being as familiar with the 750 carbs as the 550s (yet... gotta dig into my '73 750k this summer!), I'd recommend breaking the carb bank apart and making sure the feeder tubes aren't clogged. Also, might poke a copper wire up thru the float seats and related ports, to make sure there's no hidden gunk hiding up in the carb bodies. It seems odd that it would be so regular (1-4 clogged, 2-3 clear), but as I said, I don't know those carbs as well as I do the 550s.


'76 Honda CB550k
'73 Honda CB750k

Offline manjisann

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 :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[  I think I figured it out..... turns out I may be dumping fuel into the air side (little teeny elbow on the inner 2 carbs) and not through the fuel Tees (the really big tees between the carbs)  :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[

I'll report on monday when I get another chance to play with it.

Sure it's for sale! How much you ask?? Well, how much are you willing to pay??? Now triple it, that's the price!

1973 CB500 K2 - Sold the bike and bought a Mig, Miss the bike, Love the Mig :D
1980 CB650 Custom
1971 CB500 Frame 650 engine: Project

Trip and General Ramblings blog: