In my infinite wisdom, I broke the small aluminum piece that holds the tach cable to the valve cover. The one with one screw that holds the end of the tach cable pinched in place and one screw that holds the piece to the valve cover. Not sure what it's called, sorry. I'm not too worried about the tach cable itself since I was going to try to rig up an electric tach and it looks like the piece would still hold the cable in place. It broke into two parts, one of them being the part that actually goes into the valve cover. The question is, what's actually on the other side of this assembly inside the valve cover? Do I have to worry about the broken off part falling in and jamming things up? I've heard of people plugging this opening up, anyone have any info on deleting the mechanical tach drive? Is the rod sticking out of the opening that drives the cable something I can pull out through the opening or do I have to take off the valve cover?