Do you have a Weber manual?? If not P/U the Haynes off Ebay. Not the best, but it will give you the basic baseline setup to get it started. Can you post a photo of your carbs? There are different versions, and they setup slightly differently, ask me how I know.
Make sure your ignition is timed (use a light) as it's very easy to mistake ignition issues for a carb problem. Most important thing is to get the idle setup, and the carbs balanced. Everything else works off of that. As Bill mentioned if they came off a bike they're already likely in the ball park.
A caution if/when you remove/replace the accel jet. There is a small alloy washer that
must be replaced on the jet. If it's not they can/will leak raw fuel into the intake, and wash down the cylinder. Get some spares, they're cheap.