The warm weather is inspiring isn't it? Makes you feel like you can do anything. So I pulled myself into the garage the other day and spent a few hours cleaning, organizing, rebuilding... anything to make me feel like I can complete this project.
I've taken another look at the fuel tank and noticed another pinhole forming on the left-hand bottom seam... I will try to patch this and seal with a POR15, but I'm not very confident in this...
I do need to find a good welder in Boston (Brighton area) to fix my 4-1 pipes... there is a crack on the underbelly, plus it'd be nice to get a serious pipe-cleaner in there. Is it possible to refinish exhaust pipes? The steel is there...
Have you seen that scaley residue in the exhaust ports before? Wondering what that could mean...
Well- I hope you enjoyed. Wish me luck, and good with all of yours!