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Offline demon78

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Re: Gardeners
« Reply #50 on: July 03, 2010, 05:01:22 AM »
This at the moment is where we're at in our winter's food supply.
Bill the demon.

« Last Edit: July 25, 2010, 05:25:49 AM by demon70 »

Offline cookindaddy

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Re: Gardeners
« Reply #51 on: July 03, 2010, 06:47:17 AM »
I just came in from turning over my compost pile and I saw your wonderful garden pics so here's a couple of mine.

I am in the "tropics" here in southern Ontario, a bit south of Bill the Demon.

The compost pile is bigger than it looks in the picture, about a ton I turned from one bin into the other over the last two days. It makes wonderful compost out of all the kitchen and garden scraps.

The garden is coming along nicely thanks to all the rain we've had. The peas on the left are almost finished as is the spinach near the right. The potatos in the center are the most amazing plants I think I have ever had. The beans in the front left are just starting to come up as are the carrots which are not in the picture.

Time to go for a ride. Garden when it is cool in the morning and ride when it is hot. It should be a beautiful day today!
George with a black 78 CB750K (in Lion's Head, Ontario, Canada)

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Re: Gardeners
« Reply #52 on: July 10, 2010, 11:24:47 AM »
mine is looking ok peppers just flowered.

How is everyone else's doing?

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Offline demon78

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Re: Gardeners
« Reply #53 on: July 10, 2010, 02:12:02 PM »
Were past the flowering stag on some of our peppers and the chimayo peppers are starting to touch the ground on two plants, any one ever grown them before ? I'm curious how hot they are, Jalapeno hot, Scotch Bonnet hot or Ancho hot, we've harvested Broccoli, Peas (I think that the Green Arrow seem to like the conditions here, they're prolific and hold, they're also cheap if you shop at the local co-op).Lettuce and the Cauliflower, Kale and summer Turnips are just about there the Potato's, Tomato's are setting fruit ( the 42 Days have red fruit on some of them. There have been Hail scares here as well as wind 30K-70K and more. Any how that's how it's going above the 44 th Paralel.
Bill the demon.

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Re: Gardeners
« Reply #54 on: July 11, 2010, 08:46:12 AM »
looking nice.

I'm starting mine much earlier next year.  I'll be planting some cucumbers and other things next year.
A few of my early girls are redding up. Should be looking great in the next couple week's

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Offline demon78

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Re: Gardeners
« Reply #55 on: July 13, 2010, 08:19:02 AM »
We had a large thunder and lightning show south of us over night lost power a few times nothing too serious some rain, any how just went to see how the garden was doing and christ everything had jumped we've a bunch of mini bell peppers that are now about 3/4"-1" big my wife just thinned the summer turnips so we're having them for dinner tonight, tomatoes we've got a couple of cherokee purple's that are a lbs or greater, our bobcats have close to a dozen fruit on them, our san marizano are starting to set fruit and some onions that we picked up at the restore (Habitat for Humanity) 25c for 100 have all spouted and are 6"-8" up now, nothing like a normal, natural warm rain to give the veggies a boost, if I feel up to it this afternoon I'll take and post pictures.
Bill the demon.

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Re: Gardeners
« Reply #56 on: July 13, 2010, 10:59:09 AM »
Just picked the last of my early peas and replanted some more. Potatoes are going crazy this year. Picked a couple sweet 100 cherry tomatoes and will have plenty soon the other varieties are setting fruit real nice. I have a couple winter squash starting to set fruit. The pole beans are just making pods as are my Lima's. Fava beans are getting to much heat but are still there. Cabbage are now making heads and look free of pest so far. Brussel sprouts are budding out. The regulars (onions,radishes,carrots,beets,etc) are competing with the quack grass but that's my fault. All in all a good year so far. Plenty of moisture as I have only watered a few times with the well timed rain. Everything seems ahead of schedule mullberries,black caps almost done. An added bonus is my pear trees are loaded this year....later luder

Offline demon78

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Re: Gardeners
« Reply #57 on: July 14, 2010, 04:13:35 AM »
Here's some of the pic's

More later
Bill the demon.

Offline demon78

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Re: Gardeners
« Reply #58 on: July 15, 2010, 04:46:19 AM »

Sorry guys I don't post enough picture to get it right all the time.
Bill the demon.

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Re: Gardeners
« Reply #59 on: July 15, 2010, 08:59:30 PM »
demon70, looks very nice.

I'm getting ready to eat my first tomato as I type this.

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Re: Gardeners
« Reply #60 on: July 15, 2010, 10:58:43 PM »
I thought a wind storm last week...... around 50mph..... had blown over my ladies!!
After a worried crawl down to the bluff I saw that they had made it.  Very hardy those plants ;D

My 3 cherry trees were doing great until my 17 year old daughter decided to pick all my trees about 3 weeks before they were ripe!
I had grown those trees for 4 years, loved them, watered them daily, fertilized them, even built them their own netted house this year, and I got 2 bowls full of unripened cherries in the fridge ???  Pretty choked about that ::)

My cukes are crawling over my deck out side of their pot ;D

Lack of bees this year has slowed my sexing I think, the mini tomatoes have grown 5ft high with tons of flowers, but only one lonely fruit growing on 1 of 5 plants?   I think I need my own hive.

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Re: Gardeners
« Reply #61 on: July 19, 2010, 03:52:42 AM »
It's been prety hot and dry in the UK for the pasr few months.
A week last Friday, United Utillities who supply the North West of England with water, put a hose pipe ban on us.

it's not stopped raining since. :D :D :D :D :D

Sam. ;)
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Offline demon78

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Re: Gardeners
« Reply #62 on: July 25, 2010, 05:19:52 AM »
Ok as of 25/07/10 this is whats going on in our winter food supply.

Bill the demon.

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Re: Gardeners
« Reply #63 on: July 28, 2010, 10:03:24 AM »
This year we decided to only plant 5 things: tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, watermelon and 1 pepper plant.

Tomatoes were doing well (no blight yet) then yesterday noticed multiple hormworms eating like crazy.
Any ideas on how to rid the garen of them?


PS. Blackberries are 8-10 feet tall and heavy with fruit.
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Re: Gardeners
« Reply #64 on: July 28, 2010, 01:56:08 PM »
just came in from turning over my compost pile and I saw your wonderful garden pics so here's a couple of mine.

I am in the "tropics" here in southern Ontario, a bit south of Bill the Demon.

The compost pile is bigger than it looks in the picture, about a ton I turned from one bin into the other over the last two days. It makes wonderful compost out of all the kitchen and garden scraps.

Hey Cookindaddy: do you have to worry about bears? My compost pile is in a 1/2 55 gallon plastic drum, drilled holes on sides/bottom/top and put the top cover back on. The bears haven't figured it out yet.  ;D
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Offline cookindaddy

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Re: Gardeners
« Reply #65 on: July 29, 2010, 04:14:00 AM »
Hi 74CB750 - No bears around here (I hope) but lots of deer. They don't like the compost and they seem to stay away from the garden. The squirrels and chipmunks like the compost and this year I had a large brown snake nesting in there.
George with a black 78 CB750K (in Lion's Head, Ontario, Canada)

Offline demon78

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Re: Gardeners
« Reply #66 on: August 06, 2010, 05:26:04 AM »
An update on the harvest as of 6/8/10 we've been getting beans, summer squash, a few tomatoes, but the tomatoes are stating to turn so not this weekend but next we'll be in it.
Bill the demon.

« Last Edit: August 06, 2010, 05:34:28 AM by demon71 »

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Re: Gardeners
« Reply #67 on: August 06, 2010, 04:36:07 PM »
Nice garden there Bill....Nothing tastes better than home grown vegetables......

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Offline demon78

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Re: Gardeners
« Reply #68 on: August 07, 2010, 04:26:54 AM »
Jesus no, the major problem is snacking on fresh beans, etc, that don't quite make it inside for dinner, whats the term for that, not waste,  no can't think of it.
Bill the demon.

Offline cookindaddy

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Re: Gardeners
« Reply #69 on: August 07, 2010, 01:57:44 PM »
If your garden was inventory, the loss through snacking would be called "shrinkage"
« Last Edit: August 07, 2010, 05:40:47 PM by cookindaddy »
George with a black 78 CB750K (in Lion's Head, Ontario, Canada)

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Re: Gardeners
« Reply #70 on: August 07, 2010, 03:45:35 PM »
Missed this thread before I guess.

I used to container garden on a small scale. With a fairly small suburban yard traditional row gardening is just not really that workable for me and I have a bit of slope to the yard as well. I took up the Square Foot Gardening method using raised beds a few years ago when I outgrew the container gardening.

I have 4 raised boxes that are 4'x4' each and are about 10 inches deep. I have a couple trellises on the boxes for climbing stuff. I set everything up to be able to can a decent amount of salsa ever year so it is mostly tomatoes and various peppers. I have had some decent success with it but this year have had some insect issues and heat problems. We have had multiple weeks with high 90's temps and no rain so it has been hard to keep water on things and keep things alive.

This year I planted pickling cucumbers, cantaloupe, shallots, garlic, white onion, radishes, 6 types of lettuce, beans, corn, zucchini, summer squash, cherry tomatoes, roma tomatoes, jet star tomatoes, atkins tomatoes, better boy tomatoes, jalapenos, pablano peppers, cowhorn peppers, serrano peppers, red bell peppers, green bell peppers, anaheim chilies, brussel sprouts, basil, rosemary, chives, and centennial hops. 

This year I lost the zucchini and squash to a squash bore. I lost the corn to some sort of unknown insect. The lettuce was a mixed bag since we got some early heat that was hard on it. I am having a heck of a time keeping my brussel sprouts going since they are getting eaten alive no matter what spray or dust them with. Nothing has flourished this year like it did last year except for the peppers.

Some photos from this year and previous years.

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Offline demon78

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Re: Gardeners
« Reply #71 on: August 08, 2010, 05:53:34 AM »
Looking Good, before we moved, we mostly container gardened, and it worked out good the difference between our raised beds and yours were that ours were on the deck and I had wheels on on them so I could move them for best sun shine the problem of course was that once you put a couple feet of dirt in them, they were a bugger to move. This season we got a couple of truck loads of topsoil in and laid out the garden from there, unfortunately we gapped on how much work it was and how old we're getting, so instead of it taking a week to get it right it took more like 4 weeks, and every thing was late going in but next year, ah next year. Now if I can curb the tendency to crowd every thing it'll be easier to manage, the other thing is I'm going to put weeping hose along the beds so watering wont take so long as far as our peppers go we've got Mullato, Poblano, Fish, and something called Chimay, as well as 6 or so of sweet peppers. But tomatoes there are 42-43 different types and at last 3 plants of each as well as a bunch of San Marazano and the bigger ones Redote?
Any how we just got a couple of inches of rain so they'll jump. and Ill post more pictures soon.
Bill the demon.

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Re: Gardeners
« Reply #72 on: August 08, 2010, 06:06:03 AM »
our gardens doing fine, we've eaten the last of the fresh corn. We have corn on the cob eating contest
at our house. The field peas got off to a rough start. Tracey had watched them all weekend a few weeks back with
plans to pick on the following Monday. A deer went through on Sunday night and left her three peas out of three rows.
You'd think killing upwards of 30 deer in the past 2 years would have thinned the herd. Tomatoes and okra doing great.
I bet you can't grow okra in Ontario Bill? I need to take some pictures.
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Offline demon78

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Re: Gardeners
« Reply #73 on: August 08, 2010, 06:19:16 AM »
Shh RM don't let my wife hear that.
Bill the demon.

Offline demon78

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Re: Gardeners
« Reply #74 on: August 19, 2010, 07:55:47 AM »
Here we go, the tomatoes are starting and peppers.
Bill the demon.

« Last Edit: August 19, 2010, 07:57:33 AM by demon71 »