So reassebled the carbs with the needle in the second to last clip, and 135 jets. It was pretty chilly today (for Louisiana

) but sunny, so the road tests were a go. With the pods open I was still cutting out, so I tryed some tape over the pods (about half way around each) and it ran like a champ. So I figure there is no reason I shouldn't be able to accomplish the same thing with some foam in the pods. So I put foam in each of the pods so pods 1 /4 have the foam on the outter edges of the pods, and the 2/3 pods have the foam pressed to the upper portion of the pods. The foams is covering maybe a 1/4 to 1/2 of the inner diameter of the pod. I cut a welding rod and wedged that in the each pod to hold the foam in place. I did about a 5 mile test run to include a run on the interstate at 60mph, and it seems to run good. Checked the plugs when I got back and they have a hearty brown tint to them, so I think I'm in the sweet spot.
I'm not crazy about having the foam in the pods like that. I can easily see my makeshift wedge giving way and the foams sucks into the carbs. I'm considering coating a portion of each carb with some type of urythane or shallack?? Like what you put on wood finishes.