here's my take on saabs... as you can probably guess... i've driven a few!
as long as I'm not the one to pay the maintenence fees... they are a smokin good time! in fact, they are truly some of the quickest rides i've ever driven. then again, my taurus SHO was a fabulous ride that costs much less to get into, will smoke the tires in 3 outa 5 gears and had nearly all the same options! course, i did sell it due to outrageous repair costs... 1,200 for a water pump... i think not!
you have to consider that you are buying a car that you ARE going to tear up... it's got a TURBO for cryin out loud!
if you're gonna drive the car like it was designed to be driven... you're gonna pay some repair costs.
on average, i'd expect to pay 2 to 3 times the average repair cost for an "average" repair... think of it this way...
do you really want an average car?