ya, Egypt and israel, sure they get hot, but it's dry. and i know, 110 is hot no matter the humidity, but at least when you sweat there and apply a cooler breeze, your sweat can evaporate. here, its 75+% humidity all day, and with minimal airflow in the office, you can't evaporate the sweat that lines your body. i went home yesterday and took off my t-shirt and wife-beater, and it looked like i had been to the gym! today = no wife-beater to see if i can stay cooler...
my boss works in milwaukee, this plant is the sister plant to the main operations in milwaukee. the other building on the grounds has a wicked cold a/c, but the offices are a dump, and there's a TON of information in this office that i use quite regularly, so i'd rather not have to cross the grounds every time i need to print, fax, scan, look up information, etc. personally, i'd rather just cool my personal space down a little bit, and i'd be a much happier camper!
the boss does sit in the same heat when he visits once a month for about 3 days, but the office he uses is the coolest room in this building, on average 7-10 degrees cooler. i can't setup in there, because i don't want to have to move twice a month for the 3 days he's here... i know i'm #$%*ing a lot, but honestly, there's NO reason a building with an a/c should be 85 throughout the day... the f*$kin landlord doesn't do anything to keep this place working properly! hopefully we'll have a new building asap to move into!