So I've learned a lesson in not letting a project sit on the bench too long. I pulled the clutch out of my cb500 about a week ago and only now got around to putting the new one in. I've put it all together and I'm looking at a washer 28mm OD, 18.4mm ID, 1.6mm thick. Its got the look of something that came out of the motor, browned with oil and all.
But I can't for the life of me figure out where it goes!
There's a polished-from-wear surface 22mm in diameter on one side, so it seems like it was 'doing something.'
Any ideas?
Its vaguely possible that it got mixed in with my clutch parts from somewhere else, but I seem to recall taking it out of there.
I'd be quite grateful for any insight.
Washer in question:


The almost motorcycle: