I dissasembled the master cylinder today to make sure everything was put together properly and they are according to the manual. How in the world is fluid supposed to go from the inlet (where the hose from the res. attaches to the MC) to the outlet (where the brake line connects) if air won't go through when I blow into it.
What am I missing here, guys?
If you could blow air through it it would be broken. The cylinder needs to "force" fluid from the reservoir through the line. If it were an open path you could blow through then what's to stop the fluid from just backing up the reservoir. At the moment I lack the words to explain the mechanics but hope this helps put your mind at ease that you did the rebuild correctly.
It really does take a lot of pedal work to get a dry system bled and I think your doing it correctly but let me outline the process just in case.
1)Fill reservoir
2)depress brake pedal 5-6 times and then hold down
3)open bleed nipple,close bleed nipple
4)release brake pedal
repeat steps 2-4 until your arm/leg falls off. Repeat step 1 as needed, do not let the reservoir empty.
It takes a while of seemingly getting nowhere before you actually get somewhere so be patient. Your original post states that you noticed a small drop in the reservoir level, if this is the case then I believe you are doing everything right, just keep at it.