Author Topic: '72/'73 CB 750 Fork Questions  (Read 556 times)

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Lou N

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'72/'73 CB 750 Fork Questions
« on: July 05, 2010, 11:48:07 AM »

I'm in the process of replacing the fork tubes on my '73 CB 750. I purchased the bike about a year ago and the right fork was leaking. I took them apart and realized it was time for new fork tubes; now some questions:

1. The bike is titled as a 1972, but by VIN# and appearance (color) it's a 1973, is this a midyear manufacturing issue?

2. I ordered fork tubes by "Fork from Frank" and after reading off the VIN# to them they sent the tubes. They are the correct length and diameter, but the notch in the
   lower portion of the new tubes is about a 1/4" lower than the ones I took of the bike. Is that going to matter? The box says these are for a K4.

3. The pipe (lower), part# 51430-341-701, better described as the damper tube, is pitted above where the oil lock sits. Should I replace those or can I just clean them
    up with a litte emery cloth?

4. Lastly, has anyone bead blasted their fork legs? I was thinking about putting them in the blast cabinet and after a good cleaning hitting them with some clearcoat. 
