This was my 78 836k8 as it was a few seasons ago. I took these pics a few days before I learned what energy a balled up rag between the drive sprocket and the case truly has.
Having just spent the money a few years back for an upper end build, I wasnt ready to lay down the dollars again.... And besides, Ive always wanted to teach myself how to rebuild one of these motors anyway. How hard can it be? I remember asking nearly the same question years back while I was considering buying this bike. I thought small motor so cheap parts and easy fixins. Man, this has been a challenge. For myself with the information saturation and the wifey with all my spare time spent in the shop with the 'mistress'.
But first, since this is my first top to bottom self taught rebuild, and this is my first and only motorcycle, Im going to go back and show whats been done over the years.