we go, Ive been sitting on this bike for awhile, it never really ran all that great, never even rode it all that much, it leaks oil, carbs have been rebuilt, twice, electrics are all messed up (lesion learned !!!) thats for a later date. I want to see if I can get this motor in decent working condition , it doesnt need to look pretty , just reliable. As I said it leaks oil, so ive known it needs new gaskets, possibly an overbore ,new pistons and rings , and for sure a valve job ( was setting valves and could not get the gauge through the #4 exhaust , I have a post on here about this ) The bike has 50 grand on the clock, but I like it and I want to keep it, its my first and only motorcycle ! So heres where im at now . the motor is out, rocker arms are off , but im a little stuck on getting the cam out, its loose and the bolts are off the sprocket , its like some kind of a puzzle getting all the lobes through, ........ of course any tips, advice, .02 worth is more then welcome, see if we can get this thing up and runnin thanks in advance.........