I got home and blew as much of the crud off the engine as I could and checked each plug hole with a flashlight to try and see anything that might fall in. I pulled off the other valve covers and everything looks good. The plugs came out easily which was a pleasant surprise. I checked the oil level and it was full, yeah, I have no idea how old it is, but it wasn't jet black, or some strange color and since I'm just doing a compression check I figured I'd be ok. I checked cylinder 1, 100 (I'm using a harbor freight gauge, so the values won't match honda's), put the plug in and checked cylinder 2's, 100, and then the plug that is underneath the charging rotor popped out and oil blew onto my pants. I had taken the rotor's cap off a while ago to scavenge some parts and hadn't put it back on, oops. I'll put it back on tomorrow and check 3 and 4, but I'm somewhat hopeful that they'll be good.
A question though. All the plugs were sooty, which doesn't worry me too much, but plug 2 seemed a wee bit oily and did smell of oil. When I did the pressure test the tester came out oil free, AND it did test the same psi as cylinder 1. Is it possible to have a bad ring or valve seal but still get good pressure tests?