Author Topic: difference in honda cm450e and cm450c  (Read 14258 times)

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difference in honda cm450e and cm450c
« on: August 03, 2010, 06:28:37 PM »
I'm rather new to honda motorcycles and I'm wondering whats the difference in honda cm450a cm450c and cm450e, really the diff in the C and E. I have an 82 E (runs well all stock). I found an 82 C parts bike and I'ed like to know how interchangeable the parts are?

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Re: difference in honda cm450e and cm450c
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2010, 06:33:29 PM »
The CM450E was the 'economy' model.  The C was the 'custom' that was set up a little more for touring and cruising.  The E had drum brakes up front, the C had disk... I think that might be the primary difference. Trim level.
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Re: difference in honda cm450e and cm450c
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2010, 07:52:59 PM »
You've found a great resource here, welcome.  This question is likely to be moved by the moderators to the 'other bikes' section since it's not an sohc4....

Please check out the forums at and where'you'll find lots of useful information about your CM, you'll probably recognize lots of members from here also....
Alan F.

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Re: difference in honda cm450e and cm450c
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2010, 02:15:12 PM »
What Kit said - the C was the 'Custom' model and E was economy model.  Primarily trim - mag wheels vs. spoke wheels, front disc vs. front drum, etc.

Nearly everything is interchangeable, IIRC. 

The A was an automatic transmission model.  It had a 2-speed transmission with a centrifugal clutch.  It could be left in 2nd and it would shift by itself, or it could be manually shifted.

By the way, the 450cc bikes were the last-year evolution over the previous-years 400cc bikes.  The 400s began in 1978 and ran thru 81.  For 82, they were all bumped to 450 and continued on for really only a year or two at most before they were all gone - victim of the early 80s recession that led to HUGE market contractions among all the Japanese makers, but that's a different story...  :)


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Re: difference in honda cm450e and cm450c
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2010, 04:57:50 PM »
wow cool thanks for the info guys

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Re: difference in honda cm450e and cm450c
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2010, 04:43:14 PM »
What Kit said - the C was the 'Custom' model and E was economy model.  Primarily trim - mag wheels vs. spoke wheels, front disc vs. front drum, etc.

Nearly everything is interchangeable, IIRC. 

The A was an automatic transmission model.  It had a 2-speed transmission with a centrifugal clutch.  It could be left in 2nd and it would shift by itself, or it could be manually shifted.

By the way, the 450cc bikes were the last-year evolution over the previous-years 400cc bikes.  The 400s began in 1978 and ran thru 81.  For 82, they were all bumped to 450 and continued on for really only a year or two at most before they were all gone - victim of the early 80s recession that led to HUGE market contractions among all the Japanese makers, but that's a different story...  :)
KIRKN, you are accurate with your assessment except for the part about the automatic shifting itself, it doesn't. However you can just put it into 2nd and leave it there, the acceleration is just slower.
'85 VF1100S"T" , CM450A(wife's),KZ750B (Streetracker to be)

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Re: difference in honda cm450e and cm450c
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2010, 05:41:13 PM »
Really?  I didn't know that.  I thought it really shifted itself.  If you leave it in 2nd, then it just starts off in second, then?



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Re: difference in honda cm450e and cm450c
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2010, 06:48:52 PM »
Yup, you put it in second, and it starts off (slowly) in second. My wife has an '83 450 now, used to have an'82 450, and I had a '77 750 last summer. Actually, the 400/450s are a little quicker off the line than the 750s too!
'85 VF1100S"T" , CM450A(wife's),KZ750B (Streetracker to be)


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Re: difference in honda cm450e and cm450c
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2011, 07:13:53 AM »
I am currently considering buying my buddies brothers cm450c ( I believe it is ). I only just got my M2 last year. Near mid life crisis at age 36-ish. I keep getting told it is not enough power. And that I will get bored with it. I figure I just want to go for country rides. Sure It only goes a max of 135km. But I dont have the need for speed. At most I will travel 95 to 100 if i have to pass someone. After all it is the ride not the destination right? He wants a Grand for it with 26 000 kms on it. That is safetied. Spring is a few months away so I am just kinda doing research on it.

Mr.Sudz, Kitchener, Ontario

Offline Alan F.

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Re: difference in honda cm450e and cm450c
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2011, 07:51:35 AM »
I'd really suggest you ride it a day or 2 and make an educated decision afterward.

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Re: difference in honda cm450e and cm450c
« Reply #10 on: January 06, 2011, 11:07:28 AM »
I agree...ride it for a day first. The reason I say this is I had a CM400E and CM400C and after an hour or 2 my legs got cramped up. I am 6 foot so not overly tall. I think highway pegs would have helped a little, but I wanted to keep it stock.
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Re: difference in honda cm450e and cm450c
« Reply #11 on: January 06, 2011, 03:51:45 PM »
I had a CM400T and it was fun but had some limitations.  I am 6'2", 190lbs and it would run out of suspension very quickly.
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Re: difference in honda cm450e and cm450c
« Reply #12 on: October 17, 2015, 01:02:13 AM »
I just picked up a 82 cm450c and from what I see it's about the same as the other custom trims made by honda. Better seats, wheelbarrow handlebars, engine crash bars better brakes and optional honda logo saddle bags