Author Topic: 1983 Suzuki GR650 Tempter help  (Read 2336 times)

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1983 Suzuki GR650 Tempter help
« on: August 31, 2010, 07:32:08 PM »
Today I purchased a cheap Suzuki Tempter from a guy for only $200. Its been in storage for a few years and he didn't want to bother trying to get it running. My plan is to get it running, clean it up a little, and sell it.


After a quick inspection I found that the carbs and tank are both clean, and the engine is turning over. I know the petcock works on a vacuum system so it only sucks gas when the engine is running. It has a PRI "prime" position on the petcock that is supposed to override the vacuum system and fill the bowls with gas. However, with the gas tank off and the petcock in the prime position there is still no gas flowing from the petcock. Shouldn't the gas be flowing freely in the PRI position, or am I missing something here? This is the first bike I've worked on with this type of petcock so I don't know much about it. Also, if I'm right and the gas should be flowing freely, what could be causing it not to? I disassembled the petcock and its very clean.

I really want to get this bike running and sold, so I'll appreciate any help you guys have to offer.

Offline kirkn

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Re: 1983 Suzuki GR650 Tempter help
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2010, 04:07:13 AM »
Your understanding is correct.  That's just how they work.

You took it apart and it's clean??  Even the tubes that go up into the tank, especially the 'reserve' tube?  When in Prime, I'm pretty sure the petcock draws from the 'reserve' tube, which sometimes isn't a tube at all, but just an opening into the bottom of the tank, which, of course, is where all the crud collects...

I guess I'd remove it and go into the petcock again...

Good luck with it.  I always like the Tempter, but never had one.
