Author Topic: First time carb cleaning question  (Read 1192 times)

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Offline benjamin550

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First time carb cleaning question
« on: September 26, 2010, 05:01:35 PM »
After reading all of the FAQ and lots of searching, I decided to try and clean my carbs while on the rack. Once I opened them up, they actually looked really clean inside, minus the carb bowls which had some gunk built up. I decided to go with the Simple Green method and let all of the parts (bowls, floats, jets, ect in 4 separate bowls) soak over night. They turned out pretty good (not perfect will soak more) and with a little brushing shined up nice. I took the main rack out and rinsed it in water and then spent a good while blowing out all of the orifices with carb cleaner and compressed air. So, my question is, will the dipping of the carbs in water (since they are still attached) rust the internals of the carbs? I blew out most of the water, but Im sure there is still a bit left up up there. Should I put them back in the simple green and then let them dry out from there? They are not going immediately back on the bike and will need to sit for a few weeks while I finish up a few other things.  Thanks for the advice in advance!

Offline haggeo

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Re: First time carb cleaning question
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2010, 05:27:26 PM »
don't let simple green dry out in the carbs, the slides will stick. it's not that hard to take them apart, rinse in fresh water, dry,  then a shot of wd40. took me about an hour on my first try and i had my 2 yr old buzzing around me the whole time.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2010, 05:31:33 PM by haggeo »

Offline benjamin550

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Re: First time carb cleaning question
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2010, 05:36:27 PM »
Gotcha wd-40. Thanks!

Offline dulcimerbob

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Re: First time carb cleaning question
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2010, 05:40:01 PM »
I have built a few carbs and see no reason to put water anywhere near them.   My .02

Offline benjamin550

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Re: First time carb cleaning question
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2010, 05:58:33 PM »

When I read about the guys cleaning their carbs with simple green, several posts mentioned giving them a bath in water. Maybe its because the simple green stuff can get a bit sticky if left unwashed. We'll see how this works, I may end up doing a complete rebuild anyway if ive messed something up..

I bough the bike (77cb550f) a few weeks ago and there were not real problems with the carbs before, but it was running rough and on further inspection, there was a lot of junk in the bowls. I would like to get the bike on the road for at least a month before it gets cold. This winter I will have time and a shop to tear down the carbs properly are rebuild. But for now, I wanted to get any gunk/rust/whatever out of the system to prevent further damage. Also going to clean my gas tank and replace the filter.

Offline haggeo

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Re: First time carb cleaning question
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2010, 07:11:55 PM »

When I read about the guys cleaning their carbs with simple green, several posts mentioned giving them a bath in water. Maybe its because the simple green stuff can get a bit sticky if left unwashed. We'll see how this works, I may end up doing a complete rebuild anyway if ive messed something up..

I bough the bike (77cb550f) a few weeks ago and there were not real problems with the carbs before, but it was running rough and on further inspection, there was a lot of junk in the bowls. I would like to get the bike on the road for at least a month before it gets cold. This winter I will have time and a shop to tear down the carbs properly are rebuild. But for now, I wanted to get any gunk/rust/whatever out of the system to prevent further damage. Also going to clean my gas tank and replace the filter.

simple green does not dry sticky, it causes a whitish bloom on the aluminum. you can test it with a float bowl, let the simple green dry on it and you can watch the bloom appear. you can rinse it off easily or spray with wd40 ans wipe it off.

Offline benjamin550

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Re: First time carb cleaning question
« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2010, 07:38:39 PM »

Thanks for all the help. I know my hands get a little sticky if I dont was them after having them in the green stuff, figured it would do the same to the carbs. I gave them a thorough rinse, then lots of carb cleaner and compressed air, and now some DW40, so I think Im good to go. I was wondering what that white stuff was, had me worried a little bit as Ive never used simple green before. BTW, do you dilute it at all or use full strength? Thanks.

Offline haggeo

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Re: First time carb cleaning question
« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2010, 07:59:57 PM »
i use it full strength for an hr or so then i check it. i've read horror stories of people leaving aluminum parts in simple green too long and their parts getting damaged.

Offline going4speed

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Re: First time carb cleaning question
« Reply #8 on: September 26, 2010, 08:48:25 PM »
I wonder what too long is?

I have left the last carb in for two weeks and the only thing it did was remove the clear on the float bowl.

What other damage would/could it do? :o

i use it full strength for an hr or so then i check it. i've read horror stories of people leaving aluminum parts in simple green too long and their parts getting damaged.

Offline Logan80

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Re: First time carb cleaning question
« Reply #9 on: September 26, 2010, 08:52:01 PM »
I left my bowls in for about 2 full days to try to soften/remove the clear coat. It turned the bowls nearly black with some sort of corrosion. Took me about an hour to scrub them all clean again.

Offline going4speed

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Re: First time carb cleaning question
« Reply #10 on: September 26, 2010, 08:52:17 PM »
Well based on their webpage they say dont clean for more than 10 minutes....that's alot shorter than my two weeks.  ::)

Anyhow it seems the only thing that you have to worry about, based on the website, is oxidation.  Not too worried about that on the carb body.

Offline going4speed

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Re: First time carb cleaning question
« Reply #11 on: September 26, 2010, 08:53:23 PM »
Same here.  They look pretty rough out of the simple green.

I have been polishing my bowls anyhow so no issue for me.  :D

I left my bowls in for about 2 full days to try to soften/remove the clear coat. It turned the bowls nearly black with some sort of corrosion. Took me about an hour to scrub them all clean again.