bump to the man who said bali shag yes sir if your going to really enjoy the legal smoke the shag has the swag it wont make your eye lids sag but it will make you wanna another bag of the other shag,
damn i miss smoking everyday every single day i tell ya if it wasnt for all these people and all there damn self righteous do goodin arrogant ways, "o we care about you please don't smoke please it's bad for you" its bad for me. its bad for me really!! o yea well what about whats bad for you lady, did you not think before getting in my space about your do goodin ways being bad for you !!! huh huh huh!! i am a man a 289 pound man lady six foot tall with a wife an ex-wife and four kids your telling me that i cant atleast enjoy my smoke that i paid for huh. well ?? o hmm sorry ab--- so-- wella - no ma-am no ma-am yes mam yes uh sorry i am sure he was a good man sorry for your loss mam..
hurumph! seeems as though that guy's rant on smoking uh turned into an apology to that lady about her husband dying
just ask me about the time i was telling a mexican joke to a friend of mine while in the gas station yea thats my luck