I am constantly having leakage problems from my petcock. it is either the seal around the bowl, the rubber washer behind the lever or the bowl itself so rounded off that it leaks from its corners. since petcocks seem hard to find, at least in portland, oregon, i was thinking of doing a straight shot from the tank to the in line fuel filter to the carbs. does anyone have any experience in this bold act of defiance? a shut off switch somewhere along the way might also be good if possible but for now I just want to see if she'll run and need to not be leaking gas or trying to turn a rounded off piece of potters metal a 1/8th inch to stop the leak. i was also thinking of permenetly jb-welding a socket on to teh end of the bowl so as not to worry about rounding off the metal. any suggestions, advise, heresay, rumors or any other disinformation is appreciated...thanks s