Happened recently in Washington state.
Victoria man killed in Washington state motorcycle crash
timescolonist.com October 31, 2010 A 67-year-old Victoria man is dead after his motorcycle collided with a deer while he was travelling in Washington state.
The Washington State Patrol said Alfred H. Picard was about 72 kilometres south of Forks on Highway 101 Friday afternoon when a deer ran into the roadway. Picard was thrown from his Yamaha Roadstar.
Police responded about 4:50 p.m.
“CPR was started right away on scene before the medics got there,” said Trooper Todd Bartolac. He said he did not know whether it was a passing motorist or another bystander who was able to start first-aid.
Despite the efforts to save him, Picard was declared dead at the scene. Police said he was wearing a helmet, and was determined to have been going about 70 miles per hour in a 60 mph zone.
Bartolac said deer have been an issue on roads in the coastal area he covers. Forks is located in the northwest corner of the state.
“This time of year we’ve actually had a lot of different collisions with deer, just migrating and coming down for food. We actually had one of our troopers on a patrol bike get hit by a deer also.”
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