Thanks, Cliff.
I decided to tackle the wheels next. I figured while I was at it I would do the plating for #97 and #1553 at the same time so I’ve got both sets of wheels to work on.

It only took about two hours.

One weird thing is a lot of the spokes were sticking out beyond the nipples on the 97’s rear wheel. The other three seemed normal. Now that I think about it maybe those spokes seemed a little tighter. I checked both wheels and they’re exactly the same size as near as I can tell.
The rear rims are definitely the rolled rim type...:

… with the DID logo, the only marking on the rim.

I did notice one difference between the rims. The rim on the right is off #1553 and appears to have some kind of coating in the center of the rim and 97’s doesn’t. Any significance to that?