The pistons, rings and barrels ought to be good for 70K (or more) miles, provided the oil is changed regularly and it doesn't spend ALL the engine run time at red line where piston speed is the highest. (This doesn't mean you should avoid use of the red line routinely and when appropriate. Just don't expect a 24 Hrs of Lemans run regime.)
If you have valve guide wear, you will need new valve guides, the valve seats and faces reground, probably all new adjusters and the valve stems ground flat. Lash caps would complete the top overhaul. That should get the head sound for the next 30K miles with the same barrels/pistons undisturbed.
You should, of course, check the pistons and barrels for wear limits, while you have the bank off to replace the base gasket.
I hate to mention this, as it has to do with oil. But, synthetics have a higher breakdown temp. So, keeping the guides well lubed ought to help delay the wear in that area while the engine is hot, while stop in summer traffic heat. I like semi synthetic for this reason (if not full synthetic), as even expensive oil is cheaper and more convenient than a top overhaul.
What others have done is to use the barrels and pistons (the entire top end) of a K7 or K8 CB750 engine. These don't have the guide wear issues of the F2 and F3. And they bolt onto the top of the very stout lower end of the F2/F3 CB750 engine.
P.S. You might have a talk with Mrieck (PM) about F2/3 engine repairs. He is not a fan of the F2/F3 head. However, he knows what needs to be done to make them work again.