We don't have a date yet but we are on the chart!
Here's what I'm thinking for meeting points, the riders in between can arrange other hand-off or meeting points. Input is requested. Maybe I can post a chart here. Approx mileage, Yours may vary.
Kansas City hand-off to St. Louis, 275 mi.
St. Louis- Chicago, 325mi. I'll take responsibility for this leg and maybe ride along for more,
Chicago-Indianapolis, 185 mi
Indianapolis- Cincinnati, 115 mi.
Cincinnati- Columbus, 120 mi.
Columbus- Wv, Pa Handoff, 140 mi.
You can refer to the main list in this thread to find your riding mates and gather accordingly. I think MO. has a good idea of their Route already. I'm planning to follow as much of Rt 66 in illinois as I can.