I'm hoping ALL YOU GUYS are following the 2011 SOHC/4 Relay Rally Across America, Canada, and Beyond!
Just as you may have seen the recently breaking news (yesterday) about the involvement of Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum with our "LITTLE EVENT" that was made possible by the never ending contribution of Team Southeast Regional Coordinator JTB aka John Baldridge I would like to post the following email conversations I had yesterday with Hal Johnson, president of VJMC.org. VJMC being Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club. I'm not a member but that will be quickly taken care of! Just as I will become a member I would encourage to also join. We are all enthusiasts of a different flavor
Jerry, this sounds like great fun! We'll promote it in our VJMC magazine for you. It may be an opportunity to raise some money for a good cause; something that all the vintage bike groups could support. My first thought was the Antique Motorcycle Foundation. Roger Smith is on that foundation board. I'll forward your email to him.
Have fun.
From: Jerry Griffin <geraldjgriffin@gmail.com>
To: president@vjmc.org
Sent: Sat, January 22, 2011 2:11:46 AM
Subject: 2011 SOHC/4 Relay Rally Across America, Canada and Beyound
I thought I'd pass along some information that you and your members might be interested in.
We, the members and guests of SOHC4.com, are embarking on a rather ambitious ride beginning 3/12/2011 at the Daytona 200. Back this past fall one of our members suggested a little ride. A few of the members chimed in and I happened upon this in an unlikely thread location. My riding buddy and I had just recently returned from our yearly ride, 5552 miles this time but who counts, and this really got my interest. I decided to take the ball and ride with it. I have devoted a whole section in our forums to just this.
http://forums.sohc4.net/index.php?board=125.0 From this one small suggestion and my yearly rides I came up with our "little" project, The SOHC/4 Relay Rally Across America, Canada, and Beyond. The "and beyond" part refers to the fact that our European members would like to continue with this idea. I initially had planned on attempting the Relay Ride across all the lower 48 states in 2012 then our Canadian members wanted in and all the members thought it was such a good idea that we should begin this year. What the heck! Our masses have spoken. What we will do is begin a yearly Relay Ride that involves as many riders as possible and cover as much ground as possible. We will have a mascot that is handed off relay style much like passing a baton. Log books will be kept. We will initially cover the south east, head west along the southern areas to California, cut back across the mid section of the US zig zagging states, head up New England and into Canada, back into Michigan and zig zag our way back west hitting all lower 48 and the bordering Canadian Provinces. The expanse has been divided into regions and the riders within their respective regions are responsible for their routes and planning. The riders can ride as much or as little as they want. It's their rides, it's their plans. We're figuring approximately 6 months time to adequately cover the distances. We have only 2 unofficial rules - riders must have fun and only a SOHC4 Honda can carry our yet to be decided upon and named mascot lovingly referred to as "IT" for the time being. Now this does not preclude anyone from riding along. Member, non-member, Yahama, Harley, stock, chopped, cafe, bagger, whatever. Everyone is welcome to join in the fun. We have guys from HondaChopper.com that will be joining in. We have a group of Denver's Choppers from the Vegas area that will be joining in. We will be coming to a road near you. We have events in the planning such as local parties, events at dealers and even Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum.
We are planning a monumentous event of unheard proportions and we'd like as many riders to participate as possible which is why I am emailing you. Perhaps your members would be interested in joining in the fun. What better way to promote our love of these old bikes. What better way to meet others with like interests. What better way to introduce riders to touring. What better way to promote our clubs. What better way to just have a blast! How about spreading the word amongst your members? Anyone that is interested is welcome to shoot me an email and I will be happy to answer questions and get them in touch with the respective Regional Coordinator for any areas they may be interested in.
Thanks for taking the time to read this. I look forward to hearing from all.
Jerry Rxman Griffin
SOHC/4.com Relay Rally Across America, Canada, and Beyond