I can't speak to the pros/cons of the specific andriod phone you mentioned, but I do have another android phone and have been pleased with it overall. I'm on Verizon and even with the recent announcement about iPhone coming to the network, I have my reservations about switching over. The Android market is great and so much of the apps are free. The integration with Google is great (contacts, calendar, etc.). One of my favorite apps lets you track where you go (or ride) via gps and then uploads it to your google maps account so it can be saved, shared, or whatever.
That said I know people who swear by their iPhones and love them. I have a MacBook and I think the integration with my computer would be nice....but I don't necessarily need that.
Someone mentioned above the ability to customize your android phone....I recently "rooted" mine....meaning that I "hacked it" or whatever. I can now tether my laptop to my phones wireless without paying extra and have even upgraded my android system to a more current version. Verizon has given up updates for my current phone (Droid Eris), so it's nice to be able to do this. It's a bit harder to do with Apple products.
Good luck.